How to give HVL access to business manager assets

If you would like help verifying your HVL domain and setting up conversion events within you FB account we either need your FB login access or we need you to add us as a partner within your business manager account.

To add us as a partner within your FB business manager go to the partner section and then click "add" within the "partner to share assets with" section.

After clicking add it will ask for a partner ID - Home Value Leads partner ID is 807322106017907

Add us and hit next. 

A list of assets you own will pop up. Give us access to your page, ad account, and pixel. That section looks like this.  

The page section has the page you want to give us access to along with "manage page" rights like this. - DO NOT HIT SAVE. (If you hit save you will just go back to the first image and you can through the prompts to get back to the Asset's page. Go to the next section- ad account.) 

After adding the page, click on ad account and do the same thing so it looks like this - DO NOT CLICK SAVE

Select Pixels. After the pixel is done it should looks like this.   Hit "save changes" button and all 3 changes will save. Go through the prompts if any.

Once you give our business manager access to your page, ad account, and pixel, email us at, say, "My full name is So-So.  I gave you access to page X, ad account X, and pixel ID X." We would be able to get into your account, verify your domain, and setup the events needed to run FB ads using the conversion goal.